How the Best Chefs Whet your Appetite?

By Lookiimedia | Posted on : 19 June 2017

Cooking a great meal is a lot more than simply frying up a steak and putting it on a plate with a few French fries. The best chefs will always consider a range of factors when they are either thinking up new dishes or setting up a restaurant. Creating that unique eating experience requires a

Can Technology Turn you into a Maths Genius?

By Lookiimedia | Posted on : 14 June 2017

  In the world of learning, there are some who love maths and those it leaves more than a little cold. There’s no doubt that numbers can be confusing and the world of algebra and logarithms can simply leave many people scratching their heads and wondering what it’s all about. But can you now use

Can AI Make You More Intelligent?

By Lookiimedia | Posted on : 14 June 2017

  There has been much written and discussed since the early 80s about how Artificial Intelligence could one day outperform the human brain. We see it reflected in numerous Sci-Fi epics that show robots taking over the world and laying waste to the human race. Advances in computer technology over the last 30 to 40

How was Nature Designed?

By Lookiimedia | Posted on : 2 May 2017

Whatever our beliefs, when we look at the world around us, it’s difficult not to come to the conclusion that some sort of design is at play. We sit on a ball of rock, spinning and travelling around the sun at a speed of 1,000 miles per hour, flying through a dark, vast and largely